Delthea Simmons
3 min readJun 3, 2020

THE MARVELOUS AND THE MUNDANE: Police, Protest, and Life in the Grand Gesture.

I have known, not necessarily in the biblical sense so mind your business, a fair number of men in my life. And like most of you, I have categorized them. And the category I want to talk about here is the Shining Knight.

You know the Shining Knight. He’s the Savior Supreme, the master of the grand gesture. Your transmission goes out, he swoops in, buys you another one or maybe even a new car. If your parent, your sibling, or you child dies, he’s right there from the hospital bed to grave side, your rock and your shield. If the Klan comes and burns a…

Delthea Simmons

If you like my work, support it at I am an anarcho-socialist, a member of the New Poor, an Occupier, a free-lance speaker, writer and performer.